Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Water Resources Engineering


Water Resources Engineering

Water-resources engineers design systems to control the quantity, quality, timing, and distribution of water to support human habitation and the needs of the environment. Water-supply and flood-control systems are commonly regarded as essential infrastructure for developed areas, and as such water-resources engineering is a core specialty area in civil engineering. Water-resources engineering is also a specialty area in environmental engineering, particularly with regard to the design of water-supply systems, wastewater-collection systems, and water-quality control in natural systems. The technical and scientific bases for most water-resources applications are in the areas of hydraulics and hydrology, and this text covers these areas with depth and rigor. The fundamentals of closed-conduit flow, open-channel flow, surface-water hydrology, groundwater hydrology, and water-resources planning and management are all covered in detail. Applications of these fundamentals include the design of water-distribution systems, hydraulic structures, sanitary-sewer systems, stormwater-management systems, and water-supply wellfields. The design protocols for these systems are guided by the relevant ASCE, WEF, and AWWA manuals of practice, as well as USFHWA design guidelines for urban and transportationrelated drainage structures, and USACE design guidelines for hydraulic structures. The topics covered in this book constitute the technical background expected of water-resources engineers. This text is appropriate for undergraduate and first-year graduate courses in hydraulics, hydrology, and water-resources engineering. Practitioners will also find the material in this book to be a useful reference on appropriate design protocols. The book has been organized in such a way as to sequentially cover the theory and design applications in each of the key areas of water-resources engineering. The theory of flow in closed conduits is covered in Chapter 2, including applications of the continuity, momentum, and energy equations to flow in closed conduits, calculation of water-hammer pressures, flows in pipe networks, affinity laws for pumps, pump performance curves, and procedures for pump selection and assessing the performance of multi-pump systems. The design of public water-supply systems and building water-supply systems are covered in Chapter 3, which includes the estimation of water demand, design of pipelines, pipeline appurtenances, service reservoirs, performance criteria for water-distribution systems, and several practical design examples. The theory of flow in open channels is covered in Chapter 4, which includes applications of the continuity, momentum, and energy equations to flow in open channels, and computation of water-surface profiles. The design of drainage channels is covered in Chapter 5, which includes the application of design standards for determining the appropriate channel dimensions for various channel linings, including vegetative and non vegetative linings. The design of sanitary-sewer systems is covered in Chapter 6, which includes design approaches for estimating the quantity of wastewater to be handled by sewers; sizing sewer pipes based on self-cleansing and capacity using the ASCE-recommended tractive-force method; and the performance of manholes, force mains, pump stations, and hydrogen-sulfide control systems are also covered. Design of the most widely used hydraulic structures is covered in Chapter 7, which includes the design of culverts, gates, weirs, spillways, stilling basins, and dams. This chapter is particularly important since most water-resources projects rely on the performance of hydraulic structures to achieve their objectives. The bases for the design of water-resources systems are typically rainfall and/or surface runoff, which are random variables that must generally be specified probabilistically. Applications of probability and statistics in water-resources engineering are covered in detail in Chapter 8, with particular emphasis on the analysis of hydrologic data and uncertainty analysis in predicting hydrologic variables. The fundamentals of surface-water hydrology are covered in Chapters 9 and 10. These chapters cover the statistical characterization of rainfall for design applications, methodologies for estimating peak runoff and runoff hydrographs, methodologies for routing runoff hydrographs through detention basins, and methods for estimating the quality of surface runoff. 

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